The event allowed participants to reflect not just on the mechanics of mic placement and remote monitoring, but also on the philosophical underpinnings of recording and the place of recorded music in today’s technological zeitgeist.

Celebrated organist Walter Hilse played the church’s massive Klais manual tracker organ, and Siegmund recorded it with the help of his trusty Metric Halo interfaces. Peter’s current sanctuary resides below the Citigroup Building and was constructed with an ear for music. The recording took place at New York’s famed St. Veteran classical music engineer and educator Bill Siegmund of Digital Island Studios, LLC, organised the “Live Organ Recital Recording” tour, a rather grey title for an event that ended up lively and colourful. It was a unique confluence of events in late October that led to a mind-expanding technical tour for participants of the annual AES conference in New York City. Peter’s Lutheran Church During AES Tech Tour Metric Halo Supports Live Organ Recording at St. Philippe Beaudoin of Montréal-based A/V integrator Solotech programmed and installed the Symetrix SymNet-based signal processing and interface technology that makes the powerful and elegant paging system possible. Indeed, Artec Consultants designed a comprehensive, yet intuitive paging system that will ensure that the production quality of the events at La Maison will meet the highest expectations. While most of the publicity surrounding the building’s opening is justifiably centred on the stunning, state-of-the-art acoustical experience that awaits its patrons, La Maison is just as sophisticated behind the scenes. Built to exacting acoustical standards by Tateo Nakajima of Artec Consultants, La Maison will host a wide range of musical and theatrical performances. Behind the Scenes, Montréal’s New Concert Hall Runs on Symetrix DSPĪfter long enduring a substandard concert hall, the Montréal Symphony Orchestra was recently blessed with the La Maison Symphonique de Montréal.