^ a b Ibn Kathir I, Le Gassick T (translator), Fareed M (reviewer) (2000).^ Ad-Durar Al-Kaminah (الدرر الكامنة) by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani.Adamec (2009), Historical Dictionary of Islam, p.138. ^ 'Was Ibn Kathīr the 'Spokesperson' for Ibn Taymiyya? Jonah as a Prophet of Obedience'.Jane McAullife remarks that ‘certainly the most famous of Ibn Kathīr’s teachers, and perhaps the one who influenced him the most, was the Ḥanbalī theologian and jurisconsult Ibn Taymiyyah’. ^ a b c d 'Ibn Kathir - Muslim scholar'.Ibn Kathīr is more accurately described as a Shāfi‘ī traditionalists or a group of Shāfiʻī ḥadīth scholars who maintained a traditionalist creed.

Ibn Kathīr is often portrayed as the “spokesperson” for Ibn Taymiyya, one who promoted his work and implemented his theories. 774/1373): HIS INTELLECTUAL CIRCLE, MAJOR WORKS AND QUR’ĀNIC EXEGESIS. “Was Ibn Kathir the Spokesperson for Ibn Taymiyya? Jonah as a Prophet of Obedience.” Journal of Qur'anic Studies 16, no. NOTE: Many books listed here remain unpublished. Qisas Al-Anbiya, ( قصص الأنبياء) 'Tales of the Prophets' a collection of tales of the Prophets of Islam and others of the Old Testament Extract published as Tuhfat an-Nubla' min Qisas al'Anbia lil'Imam al-Hafiz ibn Kathir ( تحفة النبلاء من قصص الأنبياء للإمام الحافظ ابن كثير (Masterpiece of the Nobles from Tales of the Prophets by al-Hafiz ibn Kathir).Al-Sira Al-Nabawiyya,( السيرة النبوية) 'Life of the Prophet Muhammad'.First printed in Cairo (1932–1939) several Arabic editions Unavailable in English. Al-Fitan, (كتاب الفتن والملاحم الواقعة في آخر الزمان) 'The Sedition' on the signs of the last hour valuable for political details of his day.Within the Islamic literary corpus it is highly regarded for its great extent and range, and has been widely translated.

Ibn Kathir's great ten-volume magnum opus contains accounts of the early nations of the world, the Prophets and their biographies (seerah) and Islamic history up to his own time.