Step:4 ) Click “ OK” to start the process Step:3 ) Choose the type of disk USB / DVD in which the bootable disk needs to be created and also specify the drive letter of the USB / DVD disk Step:2 ) Select the location of the ISO file Step:1 ) Open the tool and select the distribution and the version as shown below To create a bootable USB disk / DVD using UNetbootin use the beneath steps:

Follow below steps to Install UNetbootin on Ubuntu Linux & Linux Mint :~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gezakovacs/ppa UNetbootin is not installed by default during Ubuntu and Linux Mint installation.

UNetbootin also helps you to load a lot of system utilities into the USB disk to repair any configuration issues. With UNetbootin you can create bootable disks for Ubuntu, Fedora and other Linux distributions easily. UNetbootin is another tool that allows you to create bootable USB drives as it either downloads the ISO file or you can provide the downloaded ISO file to create a bootable disk easily. Once everything is set, select “ Make Startup disk” button to create the bootable disk UNetbootin If not, Click “ Other” button to choose the desired disk in which a bootable disk need to be created

The USB flash drive or DVD whichever is connected to your computer is also automatically detected and placed in the “ Disk to Use” section. If you want to choose another ISO file, click “ Other” button to open the file and select the ISO you need Step:3 ) Once the application is launched, it automatically looks for any ISO file in your Downloads folder and lists that ISO file in the Source image area of the utility, Step:2 ) Open the Start Disk Creator application in Ubuntu Step: 1) Insert the USB disk / DVD into your computer Refer the beneath steps to Create Bootable USB stick or DVD using startup Disk Creator Whenever we install Ubuntu and Linux Mint then this installed automatically as part of default tools. Startup Disk Creator is a utility that is readily available with Ubuntu to help you create bootable disks easily. When it comes to creating bootable usb drive, there are many tools available and we are going to discuss about the following tools: In this article, we’ll show you how to create a bootable usb flash drive on Ubuntu / Linux Mint. With a Bootable drive, you can not only install distro applications, you can also use the disk to test the desktop experience of Ubuntu without needing to meddle with your computer’s configuration or even help in fixing any configuration issues. There are several 3 rd party applications that helps you turn the ISO file into a Bootable USB disk. When planning to install any Linux distributions, you definitely need a bootable USB flash drive or bootable DVD.